Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University : Robotics Education and Research Leader
Happening at RI
thumbnail image for post: Enabling Collaboration between Creators and Generative Models

Enabling Collaboration between Creators and Generative Models

Event Category:
Faculty Events
Jun-Yan Zhu
Event Time:
Friday, March 28th - 12:00 PM
thumbnail image for post: Learning Environment Models for Mobile Robot Autonomy

Learning Environment Models for Mobile Robot Autonomy

Event Category:
RI Seminar
Nikolay Atanasov
Event Time:
Friday, March 28th - 2:30 PM
thumbnail image for post: Teruko Yata Memorial Lecture in Robotics

Teruko Yata Memorial Lecture in Robotics

Event Category:
Special Events
Katerina Fragkiadaki
Event Time:
Thursday, April 3rd - 12:00 PM

RI Ph.D. Wins Three Minute Thesis Competition, Earns Jane Street Fellowship

Vivian Shen, Robotics Institute Ph.D. student, emerged as the champion of the Carnegie Mellon University Three Minute Thesis competition (3MT). The internationally recognized competition, hosted by Carnegie Mellon Libraries, challenges Ph.D. students from across the university to present their thesi...

CMU Researchers Blend Materials at “Hard Textiles” Jam

On Friday, March 7, the Textiles Lab at the Carnegie Mellon Robotics Institute, led by Associate Professor Jim McCann hosted a “Hard Textiles” lab jam. The lab jams show the unique ways textiles and technology interact, showcase the possible directions of future research and give the campus comm...

CMU and MIT Join Forces to Combat Deepfake Threats

Researchers at the Carnegie Mellon University Robotics Institute and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), created CHARCHA ( Computer Human Assessment for Recreating Characters with Human Actions), a secure and personalized verification protocol that allows an individual’s likeness to...

Enabling Collaboration between Creators and Generative Models

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