CV, Research Statement, and Teaching Statement
I am a Systems Scientist and Adjunct Assistant Professor at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), directing the Biomedical Image Guidance Laboratory and teaching an internationally recognized graduate course on medical image analysis algorithms. I have a Ph.D. in Robotics and a B.S. and M.S. in computer engineering. My primary appointment is in the Robotics Institute (RI) and my adjunct (with advising privileges) is in Biomedical Engineering (BME). I have an additional adjunct assistant professor appointment (also with advising privileges) in Bioengineering at the neighboring University of Pittsburgh (U. Pitt.).
Through my interdisciplinary research, collaborations, and teaching experience, I have been continually working to improve patient outcomes by improving the tools of science and medicine, with an emphasis on applying novel, real-time computer-controlled optics, image analysis, and visualization approaches to build and control unique experimental systems for image-guided interventions, diagnosis, and biomedical research. Biomedical scientists have expressed specific interest in using my research to enable in-vivo measurements of nerve regrowth, to enable harvesting and transplantation of ocular stem cells, and to study yet inaccessible tissue biomechanics to better understand developmental morphogenesis and organogenesis, cancer dormancy and reemergence, and tissue engineering scaffold design.
I am a significant contributor to the open-source Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit (ITK) for biomedical image analysis from the National Library of Medicine (NLM). I worked as part of the initial ITK Consortium, and I teach the longest continually running course in ITK, “Methods in Medical Image Analysis,” which has been cross-listed in CMU’s RI, BME, and ECE departments, as well as at U. Pitt. For my teaching I have received external funding, two teaching awards, and the honor of mentoring another professor. My public course website has been used as a basis for several similar classes around the world.
My long-term goal is to invent fundamentally new optical imaging modalities to see things that have never been seen before, with corresponding breakthroughs in the analysis and visualization of such images.
Research Topics
- Medical Robotics and Computer-Integrated Surgery
- Computer Vision
- Imaging
- Augmented Reality
- Simultaneous Localization and Mapping
- 3-D Vision and Recognition
- Human-Robot Interaction
- Multisensor Data Fusion
- Machine Learning Embedded in Systems
- Graphics & Creative Tools
- Human-Centered Robotics
- Rehabilitation and Health Care Robotics
- Robotics Foundations
- Sensing & Perception
current phd students
current affiliates
past phd students
past masters students
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