Dr. Raj Reddy is the Moza Bint Nasser University Professor of Computer Science and Robotics in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. From 1960-63, Dr. Reddy worked as an Applied Science Representative for IBM Corp. in Australia. He was an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Stanford from 1966-69. He joined the Carnegie Mellon faculty as an Associate Professor of Computer Science in 1969. He became a Full Professor in 1973, and a University Professor in 1984. He served as the founding Director of the Robotics Institute from 1979 to 1991 and as the Dean of School of Computer Science from 1991 to 1999.
Dr. Reddy received a BE degree from the Guindy Engineering College of the University of Madras, India in 1958 and a MTech degree from the University of New South Wales, Australia, in 1960. He received a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Stanford University in 1966.
Dr. Reddy’s research interests include artificial intelligence and the study of human-computer interaction. His current research interests include: Technology in Service of Society, Cognition Amplifiers and Guardian Angels, Digital Democracy, Universal Digital Archive, Voice Computing for the 3B semi-literate populations at the bottom of the pyramid, and KG to PG Micro-Universities.
His professional honors include: Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America, Fellow of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence, Member of the National Academy of Engineering and Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He is also a member of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Indian National Science Academy, and India National Academy of Engineering. He was president of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence from 1987 to 89. In 2011, he was inducted into inaugural IEEE Intelligent Systems’ AI’s Hall of Fame.
Dr. Reddy was awarded the Legion of Honor by President Mitterand of France in 1984 and Padma Bhushan by President of India in 2001. He was awarded the ACM Turing Award in 1994, the Okawa Prize in 2004, the Honda Prize in 2005, and the Vannevar Bush Award in 2006. He served as co-chair of the President’s Information Technology Advisory Committee (PITAC) from 1999 to 2001.
He has been awarded honorary doctorates (Doctor Honoris Causa) from SV University, Universite Henri-Poincare, University of New South Wales, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, University of Massachusetts, University of Warwick, Anna University, Indian Institute for Information Technology (Allahabad), Andhra University, IIT Kharagpur and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He was a founding member of the International Board of Governors of Peres Center for Peace in Israel.
Selected contributions available on the Web
Speech Recognition by Machine: A Review, Proceedings of the IEEE, 64, 501-531, April 1976
Machine Intelligence and Robotics: Report of the NASA Study Group – Executive Summary, Final Report Carl Sagan (chair), Raj Reddy (vice chair) and others, NASA JPL, September 1979
Foundations and Grand Challenges of Artificial Intelligence, AAAI Presidential Address, 1988.
To Dream the Possible Dream, Turing Award Lecture presented at ACM CS Conference, March 1, 1995
All Authored Works On-Line : A Global Infrastructure for Universal Access to Information. April 1997, new version 4MB Nov 2003
To Err is Human : Computational Limits to Human Thinking – Implications for the Design of User Interfaces. October 1996; new version June 2004
Towards Teleportation, Time Travel and Immortality, ACM 50th Anniversary Conference, March 1997
A Gigabit National Data Grid/Fiber-to-the-Home Initiative for Computer Mediated Communications. June 1997
Towards a Dependable Self Healing Network, white paper for Congressional Testimony, March 2000
Implications of Infinite Memory and Bandwidth, Talk presented at Newell-Simon Hall Dedication Symposium, October 19, 2000
Computing – The Next 10 years, Talk presented at Georgia Tech 10th Anniversary Convocation, April 6, 2001
Sustainable ICT for Emerging Economies Talk presented at NSF-UN-World Bank conference on Technologies for Sustainable Development, Bangalore, India, Jan 2004
PCtvt: a multifunction information appliance for illiterate people Talk presented at ICT4B retreat at UC Berkeley, August 26, 2004 (6MB); at Stanford May 11, 2005
A Multifunction Information Appliance for Emerging Economies: Mythology and Reality of the Digital Divide Problem Talk presented at MIT workshop on future platforms Aug 1, 2005
The Role of Information Technology at the Bottom of the Pyramid, talk at CMU Oct 5th and 6th, 2005
Million Book Digital Library Project: Research Issues in Data Mining and Text Mining, with Jaime Carbonell, Talk presented at International Conference on Data Mining, Nov 28, 2005 and MSR India TechVista Symposium, Jan 12, 2006
The Disruptive Future of Telecom, with Rahul Tongia, talk presented at World Telecom Development Conference, WTDC 06, March 7, 2006
Reflections on Early AI and CS at Stanford: 1963 – 1969 and Beyond, Talk presented at Stanford CS40th Anniversary Symposium, March 22, 2006
The New Bill of Rights of Information Society, with Jaime Carbonell, Talk presented at Google, March 23, 2006
Back to The Future: Early Role of EAF in Divining the Future of AI, Talk presented at Edward A. Feigenbaum 70th Festschrift, March 26, 2006
Robotics and Intelligent Systems in Support of Society, IEEE Transactions Intelligent Systems, 21, 3, 24-31, 2006
Spoken Language Systems: The Unfinished Agenda, ICSLP Plenary Speech at the Interspeech 2006, Pittsburgh, Pa. Sep 22, 2006
Creating Rural Wealth using ICT and Wireless, Invited Talk at the Indian Economic Association Annual Conference, Kurukshetra University, India, Dec 28, 2006
Applications of Intelligent Systems and Robotics in Service of Society, Keynote Speech at IJCAI 2007, Hyderabad, India, Jan 10, 2007
Luck favors the Prepared Mind – Reflections on a Scientific Career, Talk at the Journey series at CMU, October 8, 2007
Technology in Service of Society, Talk at Microsoft Research Asia 10th Anniversary symposium, Beijing, November 4, 2008
Alternative Visions for Computer Science, China Computer Science Vision 2020 Talk, Tsinghua University, Beijing, October 13, 2009
Educating a Child Machine: The Unfinished Agenda of Human-Level AI, Microsoft Research Symposium, March 9, 2012
Creating a Child Machine: Reflections on Turing’s Proposal, Talk at ACM Turing Centenary Celebration, San Francisco. June 15-16, 2012
Homo Connecticus: Implications for Life in a Connected Planet, Talk Presented at the Israel Presidential Conference, June 20, 2012
Who Invented the Computer? Babbage, Atanasoff, Zuse, Turing or von Neumann? Talk given at Heidelberg Laureates Forum on Origins of Computing, Sep 23, 2013
Role of Technology Innovation in Creating a Truly Humane Society, Talk presented at Honda Foundation Laureates Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, Nov 14, 2014
Computational Limits to Human Thinking, Talk presented at MSR India 10th Anniversary Symposium, Bangalore, India, Jan 23, 2015
KG to PG Online Micro-University in Every Village, Talk presented to HRD Ministry of AP. July 5, 2016
Anytime, Anywhere Anyone (AAA) Internet Voting in India, Talk presented at Election Commission of India, August 2, 2016
Disruptive Future of Education, Talk presented at VC conference, India, August 11, 2016
The Role of Smart Villages in the 21st Century, Keynote speech, IKCEST symposium, Beijing, Sep 4 2016
RI, NREC, and the Future of Robotics, Invited talk at NREC 25 Anniversary symposium, Pittsburgh, Pa. Sep 8, 2016
Voice Computing and Reaching the 3B People at the Bottom of the Pyramid, Talk presented at Heidelberg Laureate Forum, Sep 20, 2016.
Too Much Information and Too Little Time, Talk presented at Heidelberg Laureate Forum, Sep 22, 2016. Video
IoT Intensive Smart Cities Enable Innovative Engineering Industries, Keynote Speech at International Forum on Innovation and Emerging Industries Development (IEID), Shanghai, China, Nov 1, 2016
Internet Enabled AI and Big Data Applications in Service of Society, Talk at 3rd World Internet Conference, Wuzhen China, Nov 17 2016
Preserving Our Past and Present for the Future Generations, Keynote at International Conference on Digital Resources Sharing and Applications, Hangzhou, China, June 15, 2017
Challenges in Ethics of AI, Panel at ACM 50 Years of Turing Awards Conference, June 23, 2017
Creating a Humane Society through Computational Social Science, Keynote Speech at Web Intelligence WI 17 Conference Leipzig Germany, Aug 25, 2017
COGs: Towards Universal Enduring Personal Cognition Amplifiers, Keynote Speech at IBM Cognitive Colloquium, Yorktown Heights, Sep 18, 2017
Guardian Angels and Cognition Amplifiers: AI 2.0 Technologies in Support of Humankind, Keynote Speech at UNESCO IKCEST symposium on Knowledge Service and AI, Hangzhou, China, Sep 28, 2017
Universal Copyright and UNESCO Distributed Digital Archive, Talk at IKCEST Advisory Board Meeting, Sep 29, 2018
Short version www.rr.cs.cmu.edu/rrshort.html
Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raj_Reddy