A histogram-based method for detection of faces and cars - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

A histogram-based method for detection of faces and cars

Conference Paper, Proceedings of International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP '00), Vol. 3, pp. 504 - 507, September, 2000


We describe a statistical method for 3D object detection. We represent the statistics of both object appearance and "non-object" appearance using a product of histograms. Each histogram represents the joint statistics of a subset of wavelet coefficients and their position on the object. Our approach is to use many such histograms representing a wide variety of visual attributes. Using this method, we have developed the first algorithm that can reliably detect human faces that vary from frontal view to full profile view and the first algorithm that can reliably detect cars over a wide range of viewpoints.


author = {Henry Schneiderman and Takeo Kanade},
title = {A histogram-based method for detection of faces and cars},
booktitle = {Proceedings of International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP '00)},
year = {2000},
month = {September},
volume = {3},
pages = {504 - 507},