Design of a Hemispherical Magnetic Levitation Haptic Interface Device - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Design of a Hemispherical Magnetic Levitation Haptic Interface Device

Conference Paper, Proceedings of ASME IMECE Haptic Symposium, Vol. 58, pp. 483 - 488, November, 1996


We are currently fabricating a haptic interface device to enable direct physical interaction with dynamic simulated three-dimensional environments by exerting and reacting to forces and motions between the user's hand and a magnetically levitated object. Our device uses magnetic levitation rather than a motorized linkage so that the dynamics are simple and actuator nonlinearities such ashysteresis, backlash and static friction are eliminated. Magnetic levitation haptic interaction was previously demonstrated using a ne motion robot wrist. A new magnetic levitation device was then designed speci cally to address the requirements of realistic tool-based haptic interaction. A hemispherical device shape was adopted to maximize the ranges of translation and rotation and the ratio of actuator surface area to the levitated mass while enabling the user to grip a tool handle at the hemisphere center, near the center of mass, where translation, rotation, force, and torque ranges are the same in all directions. The new device will have a motion range of at least 12 mm and 7, position sensing resolution within 3 m, and will be capable of generating peak forces up to 60 N. Preliminary results from testing of position sensors and actuator assemblies support the performance data obtained from model analysis.


author = {Peter Berkelman and Zack Butler and Ralph Hollis},
title = {Design of a Hemispherical Magnetic Levitation Haptic Interface Device},
booktitle = {Proceedings of ASME IMECE Haptic Symposium},
year = {1996},
month = {November},
volume = {58},
pages = {483 - 488},