Name-It: naming and detecting faces in news videos - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Name-It: naming and detecting faces in news videos

S. Satoh, Y. Nakamura, and Takeo Kanade
Journal Article, IEEE Multimedia, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 22 - 35, March, 1999


We developed Name-It, a system that associates faces and names in news videos. It processes information from the videos and can infer possible name candidates for a given face or locate a face in news videos by name. To accomplish this task, the system takes a multimodal video analysis approach: face sequence extraction and similarity evaluation from videos, name extraction from transcripts, and video-caption recognition.


author = {S. Satoh and Y. Nakamura and Takeo Kanade},
title = {Name-It: naming and detecting faces in news videos},
journal = {IEEE Multimedia},
year = {1999},
month = {March},
volume = {6},
number = {1},
pages = {22 - 35},