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Illah Nourbakhsh Associate Professor Carnegie Mellon University, Robotics Institute
Friday, October 9
1:30 pm to 2:30 pm
Customizing Commute Ecology: a community-empowered road for electric vehicles

Event Location: GHC 4401

Abstract: While the auto industry continues to make incremental progress toward competitive electric vehicles, we pose a strategic question: can we effect disruptive change in the economics of electric vehicles by improving the systems-level interaction of a vehicle with each unique commuter? This talk will motivate and describe ChargeCar, a new CREATE Lab project that combines direct community engagement with a hybrid supercapacitor-battery energy management system to increase EV efficiency while decreasing battery duty. We will describe a prototype hybrid system, a national urban commute warehousing program, a local economic development strategy, and early analytical results based on energy models and actual commute data. Following the talk and discussion we will offer rides in an electric car at the Gates Highbay!