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CFR Seminar


Nora Ayanian University of Pennsylvania
Tuesday, October 20
4:30 pm to 12:00 am
Synthesis of Controllers to Create, Maintain, and Reconfigure Robot Formations with Communication Constraints

Event Location: NSH 1507

Abstract: Using multiple robots in place of a single complex robot to accomplish
a task has many benefits, including simplified system repair, less
down time, and lower cost. Combining groups of these multi-robot
systems allows addressing multiple subtasks in parallel, reducing the
time it takes to address many problems, such as search and rescue and
automated warehouse systems.

I will address the synthesis of controllers for groups of multi-robot
systems that enable them to automatically create desired labeled
formations and maintain those formations while traversing an
environment with obstacles. The robots have constraints on
communication, both within and across groups. In a group, individuals
are capable of close coordination via
high bandwidth communication, since they are within a specified
distance of the other robots. Coordination across groups must be
limited because communication links can be sporadic or more expensive.

I will describe a method for developing feedback controllers for
reconfiguring groups of robots that is entirely automatic, and
provably correct by construction. This work provides a framework with
which navigation of multiple groups in environments with obstacles is
possible, and enables scaling to many groups of robots.