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PhD Thesis Defense


Samuel T. Clanton Carnegie Mellon University
Thursday, July 21
1:00 pm to 12:00 am
Brain-Computer Interface Control of an Anthropomorphic Robotic Arm

Event Location: NSH 1305

Abstract: This thesis describes a brain-computer interface (BCI) system that was developed to allow direct cortical control of 7 active degrees of freedom in a robotic arm. Two monkeys with chronic microelectrode implants in their motor cortices were able to use the arm to complete an oriented grasping task under brain control. This BCI system was created as a clinical prototype to exhibit (1) simultaneous decoding of cortical signals for control of the 3-D translation, 3-D rotation, and 1-D hand aperture of a robotic arm and hand, (2) methods for constructing cortical signal decoding models based on only observation of a moving robot, (3) a generalized method for training subjects to use complex BCI prosthetic robots using a novel form of operator-machine shared control, and (4) integrated kinematic (movement) and dynamic (force) control of a brain-controlled prosthetic robot through a novel impedance-based robot controller. This dissertation describes each of these features individually, how their integration enriched BCI control, and results from the monkeys operating the resulting system.

Committee:Andrew Schwartz, Chair

Nancy Pollard

George Stetten

Neville Hogan, MIT