Maximum Margin Output Coding - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Maximum Margin Output Coding

Y. Zhang and J. Schneider
Conference Paper, Proceedings of (ICML) International Conference on Machine Learning, June, 2012


In this paper we study output coding for multi-label prediction. For a multi-label output coding to be discriminative, it is important that codewords for different label vectors are significantly different from each other. In the meantime, unlike in traditional coding theory, codewords in output coding are to be predicted from the input, so it is also critical to have a predictable label encoding.

To find output codes that are both discriminative and predictable, we first propose a max-margin formulation that naturally captures these two properties. We then convert it to a metric learning formulation, but with an exponentially large number of constraints as commonly encountered in structured prediction problems. Without a label structure for tractable inference, we use overgenerating (i.e., relaxation) techniques combined with the cutting plane method for optimization.

In our empirical study, the proposed output coding scheme outperforms a variety of existing multi-label prediction methods for image, text and music classification.


author = {Y. Zhang and J. Schneider},
title = {Maximum Margin Output Coding},
booktitle = {Proceedings of (ICML) International Conference on Machine Learning},
year = {2012},
month = {June},