The more you look, the more you see: towards general object understanding through recursive refinement - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

The more you look, the more you see: towards general object understanding through recursive refinement

J. Wang, O. Russakovsky, and D. Ramanan
Conference Paper, Proceedings of IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV '18), pp. 1794 - 1803, March, 2018


Comprehensive object understanding is a central challenge in visual recognition, yet most advances with deep neural networks reason about each aspect in isolation. In this work, we present a unified framework to tackle this broader object understanding problem. We formalize a refinement module that recursively develops understanding across space and semantics - "the more it looks, the more it sees." More concretely, we cluster the objects within each semantic category into fine-grained subcategories; our recursive model extracts features for each region of interest, recursively predicts the location and the content of the region, and selectively chooses a small subset of the regions to process in the next step. Our model can quickly determine if an object is present, followed by its class ("Is this a person?"), and finally report finegrained predictions ("Is this person standing?"). Our experiments demonstrate the advantages of joint reasoning about spatial layout and fine-grained semantics. On the PASCAL VOC dataset, our proposed model simultaneously achieves strong performance on instance segmentation, part segmentation and keypoint detection in a single efficient pipeline that does not require explicit training for each task. One of the reasons for our strong performance is the ability to naturally leverage highly-engineered architectures, such as Faster-RCNN, within our pipeline. Source code is available at jingyanw/recursive-refinement.


author = {J. Wang and O. Russakovsky and D. Ramanan},
title = {The more you look, the more you see: towards general object understanding through recursive refinement},
booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV '18)},
year = {2018},
month = {March},
pages = {1794 - 1803},