Artifact adjudication for vital sign step-down unit data can be improved using Active Learning with low-dimensional models - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Artifact adjudication for vital sign step-down unit data can be improved using Active Learning with low-dimensional models

Madalina Fiterau, Artur Dubrawski, Lujie Chen, Marilyn Hravnak, Gilles Clermont, Eliezer Bose, Mathieu Guillame-Bert, and Michael R. Pinsky
Journal Article, Intensive Care Medicine, Vol. 40, No. 1, pp. 289, September, 2014


INTRODUCTION: Artifactual (false) alerts in physiologically unstable monitored patients cause alarm fatigue in clinical staff. Training a machine learning classifier for automatic artifact adjudication requires that a subset of data must first be labeled by clinicians, which consumes precious time.

OBJECTIVE: Demonstrate the use of active machine learning to select which multivariate vital sign (VS) alerts should be labeled by experts for the purpose of training a classifier to distinguish true alerts from artifacts to reduce labeling effort yet still achieve highly accurate automated alert adjudication.

METHODS: We collected noninvasive VS data including ECG-derived heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR), systolic and diastolic blood pressure (BP), and pulse oxygen saturation (SpO2). Our monitoring system alerts whenever any VS exceeds pre-set stability thresholds (HR<40 or >140, RR<8 or >36, systolic BP <80 or >200, diastolic BP>110, SpO2<85%). 812 samples (10% of the available alerts) were annotated by two experts as artifact or true alerts, of which 240 corresponded to alerts related to SpO2. The raw monitoring data were then processed to extract features independently from each VS during the alert time over threshold and 4 minutes preceding its onset (alert period). The features include common statistics (mean, standard deviation, minimum, maximum), and features inspired by domain expertise (data duty cycle [% of non-missing data during alert period], minimum and maximum of first order differences, slope of a linear fit to data, etc.). We used machine learning system called ActiveRIPR to predict SpO2 alerts, treating the expert-labeled data as the pool of samples available for active learning. We performed 10-fold cross-validation, training the ActiveRIPR model on 90% of the samples and using the remainder to calculate the learning curve. RESULTS: Figure 1 shows a comparison of how the model accuracy varies as the samples are labeled for SpO2 alert adjudication using different sampling functions specific to active learning (Uncertainty, Query-by-Committee, Information Gain and Conditional Entropy). Table 1 shows the number of samples needed to achieve target AUC accuracies of 0.85 and 0.88, averaged over all cross-validation folds. An accuracy of 0.85 (0.88) can be achieved by labeling 18% (25%) of all available samples using the Uncertainty (Information Gain) scoring function.

CONCLUSIONS: Alerts issued by VS monitoring systems can be accurately classified as artifacts/real alerts by an automated classification system which requires that only a small fraction of available reference data be manually labeled to train the classifiers.

FUNDING: NIH NINR R01NR013912; NSF 0911032, 1320347


author = {Madalina Fiterau and Artur Dubrawski and Lujie Chen and Marilyn Hravnak and Gilles Clermont and Eliezer Bose and Mathieu Guillame-Bert and Michael R. Pinsky},
title = {Artifact adjudication for vital sign step-down unit data can be improved using Active Learning with low-dimensional models},
journal = {Intensive Care Medicine},
year = {2014},
month = {September},
volume = {40},
number = {1},
pages = {289},