Web services lookup: a matchmaker experiment - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Web services lookup: a matchmaker experiment

T. Kawamura, T. Hasegawa, A. Ohsuga, M. Paolucci, and K. Sycara
Magazine Article, IT Professional, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 36 - 41, March, 2005


UDDI is a standard registry for Web services, but so far its search functionality has been limited to keyword search. These authors propose a UDDI enhancement called Matchmaker, which supports semantic service capability discovery. Since September 2003, they have deployed Matchmaker in one of four official UDDI registries operated by NTT-Communications. In this article, they introduce Matchmaker and illustrate client tools that lower the threshold for using semantics in service discovery. Experiments show that Matchmaker search consumes about 5 seconds more time than a typical keyword-based search. The authors also collected user information through questionnaires and by observation of search behavior.


author = {T. Kawamura and T. Hasegawa and A. Ohsuga and M. Paolucci and K. Sycara},
title = {Web services lookup: a matchmaker experiment},
journal = {IT Professional},
year = {2005},
month = {March},
pages = {36 - 41},
volume = {7},