Motion-Aware Gradient Domain Video Composition - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Motion-Aware Gradient Domain Video Composition

Tao Chen, Jun-Yan Zhu, Ariel Shamir, and Shi-Min Hu
Journal Article, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 22, No. 7, pp. 2532 - 2544, July, 2013


For images, gradient domain composition methods like Poisson blending offer practical solutions for uncertain object boundaries and differences in illumination conditions. However, adapting Poisson image blending to video presents new challenges due to the added temporal dimension. In video, the human eye is sensitive to small changes in blending boundaries across frames and slight differences in motions of the source patch and target video. We present a novel video blending approach that tackles these problems by merging the gradient of source and target videos and optimizing a consistent blending boundary based on a user-provided blending trimap for the source video. Our approach extends mean-value coordinates interpolation to support hybrid blending with a dynamic boundary while maintaining interactive performance. We also provide a user interface and source object positioning method that can efficiently deal with complex video sequences beyond the capabilities of alpha blending.


author = {Tao Chen and Jun-Yan Zhu and Ariel Shamir and Shi-Min Hu},
title = {Motion-Aware Gradient Domain Video Composition},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Image Processing},
year = {2013},
month = {July},
volume = {22},
number = {7},
pages = {2532 - 2544},