Intracortical brain–machine interfaces - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Intracortical brain–machine interfaces

Emily R. Oby, Jay A. Hennig, Aaron P. Batista, Byron M. Yu, and Steven M. Chase
Book Section/Chapter, Neural Engineering, pp. 185 - 221, September, 2020


A brain–machine interface, or BMI, directly connects the brain to the external world, bypassing damaged biological pathways. It replaces the impaired parts of the nervous system with hardware and software that translate a user’s internal motor commands into action. In this chapter, we will discuss the four basic components of an intracortical BMI: an intracortical neural recording, a decoding algorithm, an output device, and sensory feedback. In Sect. 5.2 we will discuss intracortical signals, the electrodes used to record them, and where in the brain to record them. The salient features of the neural signal useful for control are extracted with a decoding algorithm. This algorithm translates the neural signal into an intended action which is executed by an output device, such as a robotic limb, the person’s own muscles, or a computer interface. In Sect. 5.3 we will discuss classification decoders and how they can be implemented in a BMI for communication. In Sect. 5.4 we will discuss continuous decoders for moment-by-moment control of a computer cursor or robotic arm. In Sect. 5.5, we will discuss a BMI that controls electrical stimulation to directly activate a patient’s own paralyzed muscles and reanimate their arm. Finally, in Sect. 5.6, we will discuss ongoing work toward expanding sensory feedback with the goal of making intracortical BMIs a clinically viable option for treating paralysis, as well as other research trends.


author = {Emily R. Oby and Jay A. Hennig and Aaron P. Batista and Byron M. Yu and Steven M. Chase},
title = {Intracortical brain–machine interfaces},
booktitle = {Neural Engineering},
chapter = {5},
edition = {3rd},
year = {2020},
month = {September},
pages = {185 - 221},