Wayfinding - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University


Daisuke Sato, Hironobu Takagi, and Chieko Asakawa
Book Section/Chapter, Web Accessibility, pp. 677 - 700, June, 2019


Wayfinding is a fundamental ability for daily living of people with disability. People with visual impairments have difficulty to find and follow an appropriate route, and wheelchair users need to find an accessible route without gaps or stairs. Wayfinding systems allow them to navigate indoor and outdoor environment seamlessly, and assist their daily mobility to schools, offices and any other places they are interested in. This chapter will focus on introducing technologies to enable such wayfinding systems to assist people with disabilities.


author = {Daisuke Sato and Hironobu Takagi and Chieko Asakawa},
title = {Wayfinding},
booktitle = {Web Accessibility},
chapter = {34},
edition = {2nd},
year = {2019},
month = {June},
pages = {677 - 700},