The impact of adding perspective-taking to spatial referencing during human–robot interaction - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

The impact of adding perspective-taking to spatial referencing during human–robot interaction

Fethiye Irmak Doğan, Sarah Gillet, Elizabeth J. Carter, and Iolanda Leite
Journal Article, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Vol. 134, December, 2020


For effective verbal communication in collaborative tasks, robots need to account for the different perspectives of their human partners when referring to objects in a shared space. For example, when a robot helps its partner find correct pieces while assembling furniture, it needs to understand how its collaborator perceives the world and refer to objects accordingly. In this work, we propose a method to endow robots with perspective-taking abilities while spatially referring to objects. To examine the impact of our proposed method, we report the results of a user study showing that when the objects are spatially described from the users’ perspectives, participants take less time to find the referred objects, find the correct objects more often and consider the task easier.


author = {Fethiye Irmak Doğan and Sarah Gillet and Elizabeth J. Carter and Iolanda Leite},
title = {The impact of adding perspective-taking to spatial referencing during human–robot interaction},
journal = {Robotics and Autonomous Systems},
year = {2020},
month = {December},
volume = {134},