A roadmap for planetary caves science and exploration - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

A roadmap for planetary caves science and exploration

Timothy N. Titus, J. Judson Wynne, Michael J. Malaska, Ali-akbar Agha-Mohammadi, Peter B. Buhler, E. Calvin Alexander, James W. Ashley, Armando Azua-Bustos, Penelope J. Boston, Debra L. Buczkowski, Leroy Chiao, Glen E. Cushing, John DeDecker, Pablo de León, Cansu Demirel-Floyd, Jo De Waele, Alberto G. Fairén, Amos Frumkin, Gary L. Harris, Heather Jones, Laura H. Kerber, Erin J. Leonard, Richard J. Léveillé, Kavya Manyapu, Matteo Massironi, Ana Z. Miller, John E. Mylroie, Bogdan P. Onac, Scott Parazynski, Cynthia B. Phillips, Charity M. Phillips-Lander, Thomas H. Prettyman, Haley M. Sapers, Francesco Sauro, Norbert Schorghofer, Dirk Schulze-Makuch, Jennifer E. Scully, Kyle Uckert, Robert V. Wagner, William L. Whittaker, Kaj E. Williams, and Uland Y. Wong
Journal Article, Nature Astronomy, Vol. 5, pp. 524 - 525, June, 2021
Part of this research was conducted at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (80NM0018D0004). Images of planetary bodies were adapted from three-dimensional models available on NASA’s Solar System Exploration website. Satellite and rover silhouettes were rendered and modified from images of NASA’s Cassini and Perseverance spacecraft, respectively.


author = {Timothy N. Titus and J. Judson Wynne and Michael J. Malaska and Ali-akbar Agha-Mohammadi and Peter B. Buhler and E. Calvin Alexander and James W. Ashley and Armando Azua-Bustos and Penelope J. Boston and Debra L. Buczkowski and Leroy Chiao and Glen E. Cushing and John DeDecker and Pablo de León and Cansu Demirel-Floyd and Jo De Waele and Alberto G. Fairén and Amos Frumkin and Gary L. Harris and Heather Jones and Laura H. Kerber and Erin J. Leonard and Richard J. Léveillé and Kavya Manyapu and Matteo Massironi and Ana Z. Miller and John E. Mylroie and Bogdan P. Onac and Scott Parazynski and Cynthia B. Phillips and Charity M. Phillips-Lander and Thomas H. Prettyman and Haley M. Sapers and Francesco Sauro and Norbert Schorghofer and Dirk Schulze-Makuch and Jennifer E. Scully and Kyle Uckert and Robert V. Wagner and William L. Whittaker and Kaj E. Williams and Uland Y. Wong},
title = {A roadmap for planetary caves science and exploration},
journal = {Nature Astronomy},
year = {2021},
month = {June},
volume = {5},
pages = {524 - 525},