Probabilistic Safe Adaptive Merging Control for Autonomous Vehicles Under Motion Uncertainty - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Probabilistic Safe Adaptive Merging Control for Autonomous Vehicles Under Motion Uncertainty

Yiwei Lyu, Wenhao Luo, and John M. Dolan
Workshop Paper, Safe Robot Control with Learned Motion and Environment Models, June, 2021


In this work we address the safe adaptive control problem for autonomous vehicles in the highway on-ramp merging scenario. We argue that by developing a Control Barrier Function (CBF)-based method, autonomous vehicles are able to perform adaptive interactions with human drivers with safety guarantees under uncertainty. We propose a novel extension of traditional CBF to a probabilistic setting for stochastic system dynamics with provable chance-constrained safety and provide a theoretical analysis to discuss the solution feasibility guarantee and design factors reflecting different vehicle behaviors. This allows for adaptation to different driving strategies with a formally provable feasibility guarantee for the ego vehicle’s safe controller. The results demonstrate the enhanced safety and adaptability of our proposed approach.


author = {Yiwei Lyu and Wenhao Luo and John M. Dolan},
title = {Probabilistic Safe Adaptive Merging Control for Autonomous Vehicles Under Motion Uncertainty},
booktitle = {Proceedings of Safe Robot Control with Learned Motion and Environment Models},
year = {2021},
month = {June},
keywords = {autonomous driving, merging, adaptive control, safety control, Control Barrier Function,},