Learning by Error-driven Decomposition - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Learning by Error-driven Decomposition

Dieter Fox, V. Heinze, K. Moeller, Sebastian Thrun, and G. Veenker
Conference Paper, Proceedings of International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN '91), June, 1991


In this paper we describe a new selforganizing decomposition technique for learning high-dimensional mappings. Problem decomposition is performed in an error-driven manner, such that the resulting subtasks (patches) are equally well approximated. Our method combines an unsupervised learning scheme (Feature Maps [Koh84]) with a nonlinear approximator (Backpropagation [RHW86]). The resulting learning system is more stable and effective in changing environments than plain backpropagation and much more powerful than extended feature maps as proposed by [RS88, RMS89]. Extensions of our method give rise to active exploration strategies for autonomous agents facing unknown environments.


author = {Dieter Fox and V. Heinze and K. Moeller and Sebastian Thrun and G. Veenker},
title = {Learning by Error-driven Decomposition},
booktitle = {Proceedings of International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN '91)},
year = {1991},
month = {June},
editor = {Simula, Kohonen},
publisher = {Elsevier.},