Design and Performance Evaluation of an Actively Compliant Underwater Manipulator for Full-Ocean Depth - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Design and Performance Evaluation of an Actively Compliant Underwater Manipulator for Full-Ocean Depth

Hagen Schempf, D. DiPietro, and D. Yoerger
Journal Article, Journal of Field Robotics: Special Issue on Underwater Robotics, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 371 - 392, June, 1991


An underwater manipulator is described that can exhibit a wide range of compliance through a combination of mechanical design and software control and its performance characterized. The manipulator has been used in conjunction with the JASON Remotely Operated Vehicle at full‐ocean depth. The major goal of the design was to produce a manipulator that can actively control the interaction forces with the work task in the hostile deep‐ocean environment. The manipulator's performance has been characterized in the lab and its overall operational utility has been confirmed during tests to depths of approximately 4000 meters, including an archaeological excavation at 700 meters depth in the Mediterranean. The manipulator uses high performance brushless DC servomotors driving the joints though low‐friction, zero‐backlash reductions of moderate ratio consisting of cables and pulleys. Each joint is highly backdriveable and has a large range of rotation. This approach permits a variety of force control schemes such as impedance control to be implemented with no sensors other than the displacement sensors integrated with the brushless motor. It also permits high‐quality torque servomechanisms to be directly implemented. This article outlines the design and illustrates the performance of a single joint in terms of friction, stiffness, and in implementing variable compliance and as a closed‐loop torque servo.


author = {Hagen Schempf and D. DiPietro and D. Yoerger},
title = {Design and Performance Evaluation of an Actively Compliant Underwater Manipulator for Full-Ocean Depth},
journal = {Journal of Field Robotics: Special Issue on Underwater Robotics},
year = {1991},
month = {June},
volume = {8},
number = {3},
pages = {371 - 392},