Pearl: A Mobile Robotic Assistant for the Elderly - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Pearl: A Mobile Robotic Assistant for the Elderly

M. Pollack, S. Engberg, J. T. Matthews, Sebastian Thrun, L. Brown, D. Colbry, C. Orosz, B. Peintner, S. Ramakrishnan, J. Dunbar-Jacob, C. McCarthy, Michael Montemerlo, Joelle Pineau, and Nicholas Roy
Workshop Paper, AAAI '02 Workshop on Automation as Caregiver: the Role of Intelligent Technology in Elder Care, July, 2002


author = {M. Pollack and S. Engberg and J. T. Matthews and Sebastian Thrun and L. Brown and D. Colbry and C. Orosz and B. Peintner and S. Ramakrishnan and J. Dunbar-Jacob and C. McCarthy and Michael Montemerlo and Joelle Pineau and Nicholas Roy},
title = {Pearl: A Mobile Robotic Assistant for the Elderly},
booktitle = {Proceedings of AAAI '02 Workshop on Automation as Caregiver: the Role of Intelligent Technology in Elder Care},
year = {2002},
month = {July},