Some useful design tactics for mining ITS data - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Some useful design tactics for mining ITS data

Jack Mostow
Workshop Paper, ITS '04 Workshop on Analyzing Student-Tutor Interaction Logs to Improve Educational Outcomes, pp. 20 - 28, August, 2004


Mining data logged by intelligent tutoring systems has the potential to reveal valuable discoveries. What characteristics make such data conducive to mining? What variables are informative to compute? Based on our experience in mining data from Project LISTEN's Reading Tutor, we discuss how to collect machine-analyzable data and formulate it into experimental trials. The resulting concepts and tactics mark out a roadmap for the emerging area of tutorial data mining, and may provide a useful vocabulary and framework for characterizing past, current, and future work in this area.


author = {Jack Mostow},
title = {Some useful design tactics for mining ITS data},
booktitle = {Proceedings of ITS '04 Workshop on Analyzing Student-Tutor Interaction Logs to Improve Educational Outcomes},
year = {2004},
month = {August},
pages = {20 - 28},