A triaxial force discernment algorithm for flexible, high density, artificial skin - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

A triaxial force discernment algorithm for flexible, high density, artificial skin

Seth C. Koterba and Yoky Matsuoka
Conference Paper, Proceedings of (ICRA) International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp. 1359 - 1364, May, 2006


Artificial skin research has focused on three primary characteristics: high density, flexible sensing arrays, and the ability to decompose all three components of an applied force vector. Previous research has accomplished some but not all of these characteristics. In this paper, we present a new flexible, high density sensor array and a triaxial force discernment algorithm that can be used with commercially available flexible high density sensor arrays. Together, the sensing array and algorithm achieve all three of the critical skin characteristics. With an addition of thin silicone pillar arrays, the triaxial force discernment algorithm provides a direct solution for nearly all possible force directions. Where the solution is ambiguous, our algorithm is able to reduce the uncertainty to a small range of known values. To confirm the validity of the algorithm, a testbed for a single sensing element was developed. Initial results show a resolution of less than 0.01 radians and calculated force components within the uncertainty of the ground truth for most situations. Our approach opens doors for many applications including robotic manipulation, haptic interfaces, human-robot interaction, and medical diagnoses

originally titled "Flexible, High Density, Artificial Skin with Triaxial Force Discernment"


author = {Seth C. Koterba and Yoky Matsuoka},
title = {A triaxial force discernment algorithm for flexible, high density, artificial skin},
booktitle = {Proceedings of (ICRA) International Conference on Robotics and Automation},
year = {2006},
month = {May},
pages = {1359 - 1364},