Alex Krause, Author at Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University - Page 4 of 7

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So far Alex Krause has created 67 blog entries.

CREATE Lab Expands Education Network Nationally

A program to empower students with technology by leveraging Carnegie Mellon University’s robotics and computer science talent with education expertise at partner universities is expanding beyond the Western Pennsylvania/West Virginia region to include satellite labs in Georgia and Utah. With support from a $250,000 grant from the Infosys Foundation USA, CMU’s Community Robotics, Education and [...]

Computational Design Tool Transforms Flat Materials Into 3-D Shapes

A new computational design tool can turn a flat sheet of plastic or metal into a complex 3-D shape, such as a mask, a sculpture or even a lady’s high-heel shoe. Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Switzerland (EPFL), say the tool enables designers to fully and [...]

Robot’s In-Hand Eye Maps Surroundings, Determines Hand’s Location

Before a robot arm can reach into a tight space or pick up a delicate object, the robot needs to know precisely where its hand is. Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University’s Robotics Institute have shown that a camera attached to the robot’s hand can rapidly create a 3-D model of its environment and also locate [...]

SpeckSensor Air Quality App Tracks Annual “Dirty Days”

A new feature for the SpeckSensor app enables users to see the number of “dirty days” when air quality has been unhealthy in a locale over the past year and to compare that number with other cities across the nation. The app, developed by the CREATE Lab of Carnegie Mellon University’s Robotics Institute and Airviz [...]

New Project Helps K-12 Students Become Fluent With Data and Technology

The future success of today’s students hinges more than ever on their ability to think critically, and creatively manipulate technology, media and data. Helping them achieve this level of fluency is the goal of a new project led by Carnegie Mellon University and sponsored by The Heinz Endowments. "Our vision is that students will be [...]

“Lo and Behold” Screening Set for July 29

Lo and Behold, Reveries of the Connected World, Werner Herzog’s new documentary featuring several Carnegie Mellon researchers and projects, will be screened by Pittsburgh Filmmakers at the Regent Square Theater at 7:30 p.m. July 29. Three of the researchers in the film – NREC’s Mike Vande Weghe, ECE’s Raj Rajkumar, and Psychology’s Marcel Just – [...]

Kanade Wins 2016 Kyoto Prize

The Inamori Foundation has named Takeo Kanade, the U.A. and Helen Whitaker University Professor of Robotics and Computer Science, as the winner of the prestigious 2016 Kyoto Prize for Advanced Technology, citing his pioneering contributions to computer vision and robotics. The international award is presented to individuals who have contributed significantly to the scientific, cultural [...]

Robot And Mathematical Models Suggest How Animals Moved 360 Million Years Ago

Could a tail have allowed ancient vertebrates to make the transition from water to land? Researchers from Georgia Institute of Technology, Carnegie Mellon University, Clemson University and the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis report in the journal Science this week on the results of a groundbreaking study to answer this question using amphibious [...]

Studying the Role Love Plays in an Engineering Project

The development of an electronic Braille writing tutor at a school for the blind in India has been a labor of love over the past decade for M. Bernardine Dias and her Carnegie Mellon University colleagues, students and staff. And for the past year, it has provided a research window into the role love plays [...]

Girls of Steel Host Women and STEM Symposium

The Girls of Steel team sponsored by the Field Robotics Center hosted more than 70 middle school girls on campus for the “Aspiring Young Women in Robotics and STEM” symposium, which included a speaker series, workshops, robot demonstrations, and a tour May 22. Participants hailed from 33 different schools from districts in Allegheny, Beaver, Washington, [...]