Alex Krause, Author at Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University - Page 7 of 7

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So far Alex Krause has created 67 blog entries.

Embedded Optical Sensors Could Make Robotic Hands More Dexterous

Optical sensors may be uniquely suited for use in robotic hands, according to Carnegie Mellon University researchers who have developed a three-fingered soft robotic hand with multiple embedded fiber optic sensors. They also have created a new type of stretchable optical sensor. By using fiber optics, the researchers were able to embed 14 strain sensors [...]

Software Helps Create Sign Language Dictionaries, Voice-activated Games for Hearing Impaired

Carnegie Mellon University’s TechBridgeWorld research group today announced the release of open source software that can help educators of children with hearing disabilities create video dictionaries of sign languages and use games that encourage vocalization by children learning to speak. The software, produced in collaboration with the Mathru Educational Trust for the Blind in Bangalore, [...]

CMU Wins 5th International RoboCup Championship

Carnegie Mellon University’s robot soccer team took home its fifth world championship without allowing a single goal at the 2015 RoboCup on July 22 in Heifi, China. The CMDragons won the final round of the Small Size League (SSL) 5-0 over MRL, a team from Qazvin Islamic Azad University in Iran. “An accomplishment of this [...]

Six-legged “Snake Monster” Is First of New Robot Breed

Carnegie Mellon University's latest robot is called Snake Monster, however, with six legs, it looks more like an insect than a snake. But it really doesn't matter what you call it, says its inventor, Howie Choset— the whole point of the project is to make modular robots that can easily be reconfigured to meet a [...]

Robotics Institute Style: Alums’ App Provides Tool for Fashionistas

Like many husbands, Henry Kang often found himself pressed into service as his wife's fashion adviser. "What can I wear with this?" his wife, Shawna, would ask each morning. Though his Ph.D. training in the School of Computer Science left him perhaps better prepared to provide coding advice, he nevertheless managed to help her. Then [...]

Display Technology Projects Images Onto Water Droplets

AquaLux 3D, a new projection technology developed at Carnegie Mellon University’s Robotics Institute, can target light onto and between individual water droplets, enabling text, video and other moving or still images to be displayed on multiple layers of falling water.

AP video features Whittaker, Astrobotic Technology

The Associated Press has posted a YouTube video regarding the Google Lunar X Prize and the efforts of William "Red" Whittaker, professor of robotics, and Astrobotic Technology Inc. to win the $20 million race to the moon. You can view the video here: