Brian Staszel, Author at Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University - Page 3 of 7

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So far Brian Staszel has created 64 blog entries.

RISLab Receives Honorable Mention for IEEE T-RO King-Sun Fu Memorial Best Paper Award

Congratulations to Wennie Tabib, Kshitij Goel, John Yao, Curtis Boirum, and Nathan Michael for receiving an honorable mention for the IEEE T-RO King-Sun Fu Memorial Best Paper Award at the 2023 RAS Award Ceremony in London, UK! This award is for their work "Autonomous Cave Surveying with an Aerial Robot", which presents an exploration method [...]

Sweater-Wrapped Robots Can Feel and React to Human Touch

The qualities that make a knitted sweater comfortable and easy to wear are the same things that might allow robots to better interact with humans. RobotSweater, developed by a research team from Carnegie Mellon University's Robotics Institute, is a machine-knitted textile "skin" that can sense contact and pressure. "We can use that to make the [...]

Congratulations to our 2023 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Recipients

Congratulations to this year's National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) Recipients from the Robotics Institute! Rohan Choudhury Siva Kailas Seth Karten Winnie Kuang Gabrielle Ohlson Jinhyung Park Neehar Peri Fausto Vega From NSF: The purpose of the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) is to ensure the quality, vitality, and diversity of the [...]

Carnegie Mellon Leads NSF AI Institute for Societal Decision Making

Artificial intelligence tools have increasingly aided emergency managers, public health officials and other professionals tasked with making critical and timely decisions that directly impact society. During disasters, AI can help efficiently direct and allocate resources. Likewise, AI tools help public health officials, community workers and clinics better target interventions to improve health outcomes.  The advancement [...]

Can Artistry Be Built Into a Machine?

One day recently, on a table in Jean Oh’s lab in the Squirrel Hill neighborhood of Pittsburgh, a robot arm was busy at a canvas. Slowly, as if the air were viscous, it dipped a brush into a pool of light gray paint on a palette, swung around and stroked the canvas, leaving an inch-long [...]

CMU Finalizes Plans to Put Rover on the Moon

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — One day after NASA announced the crew that'll return to the moon on an orbital flight comes a big announcement from Carnegie Mellon University. CMU says it has finalized plans to put a rover on the moon. When it comes to lunar rovers, America's been there and done that. The Apollo missions [...]

MRSD Team Pairs With Penguins on Autonomous Zamboni Machine

Robots in Carnegie Mellon University's Newell-Simon Hall can explore the moon, slither across the ground, crawl down pipes, and drive autonomously through deserts and cities. With the building's latest inhabitant, CMU researchers are putting autonomy to work on ice. A student team from Carnegie Mellon's Robotics Institute (RI), dubbed AI on Ice, has partnered with [...]

Learning to Grasp the Ungraspable with Emergent Extrinsic Dexterity

Exciting new work from the R-Pad Lab's Wenxuan Zhou and David Held features a simple gripper that can solve more complex manipulation tasks if it can utilize the external environment such as pushing the object against the table or a vertical wall, known as "Extrinsic Dexterity." From the researchers: A simple gripper can solve more [...]

RISLab Wins SSRR 2022 Best Paper Award

Congratulations to the authors Kshitij Goel, Yves Georgy Daoud, Nathan Michael, and Wennie Tabib for their Best Paper Award at the IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR) 2022. Their paper "Hierarchical Collision Avoidance for Adaptive-Speed Multirotor Tele-Operation" was selected out of 56 accepted papers.