Awards Archives - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

SCS Faculty Members Named 2025 Sloan Research Fellows

Two faculty members in Carnegie Mellon University's School of Computer Science will receive Sloan Research Fellowships in 2025. Two faculty members in Carnegie Mellon University's School of Computer Science will receive Sloan Research Fellowships in 2025. Deepak Pathak and Zhihao Jia are among the 126 early career researchers announced as fellows. More than a thousand [...]

CMU’s AirLab Advances in GoAERO Competition

An aerial rescue vehicle developed by a team of students and faculty advisors at the Carnegie Mellon University Robotics Institute AirLab will advance to the next stage of the GoAERO Competition.  The Tartan Air Rescue team and its TRAAV-160 flyer was named a Stage 1 winner of the competition along with 10 other teams. Tartan [...]

RI Ph.D. Receives NVIDIA Graduate Fellowship

Tairan He, second-year Ph.D. student at the Carnegie Mellon University Robotics Institute has been awarded the 2025-2026 NVIDIA Graduate Fellowship. He will receive the prestigious fellowship alongside just 9 other students selected from applicants worldwide.   For 24 years, NVIDIA has invited Ph.D. students to submit their research proposals for consideration, with a particular emphasis on [...]

Two RI Ph.D. Students Receive Generative AI in Healthcare Fellowship

The Center for Machine Learning and Health (CMLH) at Carnegie Mellon University recently announced the 2024 Generative AI in Healthcare Fellows. This round, two Robotics Institute Ph.D. students, Angela Chen and Bardienus (Bart) Duisterhof, earned their place among the seven recipients.  Chen and Duisterhof both utilize artificial intelligence (AI) in unique ways to expand their [...]

CMU, NREC Researchers Earn Best Paper Award at SSRR 2024

Researchers from the Resilient Intelligent Systems Lab (RISLab) at the Carnegie Mellon University Robotics Institute and the National Robotics and Engineering Center (NREC) have received the Best Paper Award at the IEEE Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR) 2024 for their work titled Rapid quadrotor navigation in diverse environments using an onboard depth camera. SSRR hosts [...]

Takeo Kanade Among 2024 John Scott Award Recipients

Takeo Kanade, professor of computer science and robotics at Carnegie Mellon University, has received the 2024 John Scott Award alongside two other world leaders in robotics research. The John Scott Award, established in 1815 by Scottish chemist and pharmacist John Scott to honor Benjamin Franklin, recognizes work that has reshaped the field of robotics and [...]