Research Archives - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

CMU Robot Works Inside E-Waste Recycling Facility

An SCS researcher is using robotics to speed up e-waste recycling for flat-screen displays. A researcher from Carnegie Mellon University's School of Computer Science is using robotics to improve e-waste recycling. E-waste is one of the fastest-growing types of waste in the world, with an estimated 62 million tons produced in 2022 alone. [...]

Acoustic Awareness: ANAVI Framework Addresses Robot Noise Levels in the Home

Robots deployed in the home carry immense potential to improve people’s quality of life. Robots for cleaning, companionship, security, healthcare needs, and more can travel through home environments and assist with a multitude of tasks, making human-robot interaction an area of particular interest to many roboticists. However, despite the convenience of in-home robots, there lies [...]

Robotics Institute Ph.D. Awarded 2024 Google Fellowship

Sheng-Yu Wang, fifth-year Ph.D. at the Carnegie Mellon University Robotics Institute. Sheng-Yu Wang, fifth-year Ph.D. student at the Carnegie Mellon University Robotics Institute, has received a Google Fellowship for his work in data attribution for text-to-image models. Wang is advised by Jun-Yan Zhu, assistant professor at the Robotics Institute.  The Google Ph.D. Fellowship [...]

CMU, NREC Researchers Earn Best Paper Award at SSRR 2024

Researchers from the Resilient Intelligent Systems Lab (RISLab) at the Carnegie Mellon University Robotics Institute and the National Robotics and Engineering Center (NREC) have received the Best Paper Award at the IEEE Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR) 2024 for their work titled Rapid quadrotor navigation in diverse environments using an onboard depth camera. SSRR hosts [...]

CMU and Partners Redefine Robotic Perception with NeuralFeels

A research team at Carnegie Mellon teamed up with Meta FAIR, the University of California, Berkeley, Technical University Dresden in Germany and the Centre for Tactile Internet with Human-in-the-Loop (CeTI) to propose NeuralFeels, a machine learning model that combines vision and touch sensing on a robot hand to reconstruct and track unseen objects.  Traditional sensing [...]

CMU Researchers Illuminate New Horizons in Low-Light Robotic Exploration

The framework allows the robot to create photorealistic scene representations in low-light environments. Robots lift heavy loads in warehouses, deliver meals to diners, and even tackle housework. However, a lot of robotic work goes unseen – quite literally.  Robots and autonomous vehicles are routinely deployed for critical tasks such as exploration, inspection, transportation, [...]

Interdisciplinary Collaboration: A Look Into The AI Maker Space

Greg Armstrong (manager) and Leonardo Mouta (student worker) calibrate robots in the AI Maker Space. At the Carnegie Mellon University AI Maker Space, interdisciplinary collaboration thrives. Here, a biology student might work alongside a computer science major, while across the room, a business student brainstorms with an artist. The only prerequisite? Curiosity. In [...]

AI Meets Fusion: CMU, Princeton Join Forces to Pursue Clean, Abundant Power

What if the future of energy could be as limitless as the stars? As nuclear fission powers today's reactors, researchers are looking toward nuclear fusion as a cleaner, safer, and long-lasting source of energy.  Nuclear power plants are largely considered as one of the most reliable sources of energy. Inside the plants, reactors use fission [...]

Innovative Framework Drives Autonomous Learning and Task Mastery

Many people learn how to ride a bike at some point in their lives. When children are learning, adults can only guide them to a certain point. A large portion of developing this new skill depends on independent trial and error from the child.  After days of practice, and perhaps a fall or two, children [...]