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CREATE Lab Helps BBC PopUp Understand Pittsburgh

BBC PopUp, an experimental mobile news bureau, will spend November in Pittsburgh, shooting video stories that will be posted online and broadcast on BBC World. The Robotics Institute’s CREATE Lab is working with BBC PopUp to host a community meeting to gather story ideas at 7 p.m. Monday in Newell-Simon Hall 3305.

Snakes and Snake-like Robots Show How Sidewinders Conquer Sandy Slopes

The amazing ability of sidewinder snakes to quickly climb sandy slopes was once something biologists only vaguely understood and roboticists only dreamed of replicating. By studying the snakes in a unique bed of inclined sand and using a snake-like robot to test ideas spawned by observing the real animals, both biologists and roboticists have now gained long-sought insights.

Smart Headlights Spare the Eyes of Oncoming Drivers

A smart headlight developed at Carnegie Mellon University’s Robotics Institute enables drivers to take full advantage of their high beams without fear of blinding oncoming drivers or suffering from the glare that can occur when driving in snow or rain at night.

Photo Editing Tool Enables Object Images To Be Manipulated in 3-D

Editors of photos routinely resize objects, or move them up, down or sideways, but Carnegie Mellon University researchers are adding an extra dimension to photo editing by enabling editors to turn or flip objects any way they want, even exposing surfaces not visible in the original photograph.

Panoptic Studio Combines Hundreds of Videos To Reconstruct 3D Motion

Robotics Institute researchers have developed techniques for combining the views of 480 video cameras mounted in a two-story geodesic dome to perform large-scale 3D motion reconstruction, including volleyball games, the swirl of air currents and even a cascade of confetti.

Gupta Awarded Bosch Young Faculty Fellowship

Abhinav Gupta, assistant research professor in the Robotics Institute, is the recipient of a Bosch Young Faculty Fellowship to support his research on computer vision and large-scale visual learning.

Bagnell Receives Okawa Research Grant

Drew Bagnell, associate professor of robotics, is among the latest recipients of the Okawa Research Grant, which is awarded by the Okawa Foundation for Information and Telecommunications.