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NASA Chooses Astrobotic for Lunar Lander Initiative

Astrobotic Technology, a spinoff from Carnegie Mellon, has been selected as one of three companies that will partner with NASA to develop reliable and cost-effective lunar landing capabilities as part of the Lunar Cargo Transportation and Landing by Soft Touchdown (CATALYST) initiative.

Timelapse Wins Webby

Timelapse, the project from Time magazine that uses Carnegie Mellon's GigaPan Time Machine technology to explore 30 years of Landsat imagery of Earth, has won the People's Choice Award for Best Use of Video or Moving Image in the 2014 Webby Award Competition. The Webbys are international awards for excellence on the Internet.

Girls of Steel Team Helps Construct Autodesk Robot

The robot-development skills of the Girls of Steel, a team of high-school-age girls from the Pittsburgh area, are being tested at the FIRST Robotics Competition Championship, April 23-26 in St. Louis, Mo. Several team members, however, already have put those skills to practical use in helping to build a robot for Autodesk, a leader in 3D design software.

Flight Test of Astrobotic Landing System Is Successful

Astrobotic Technology successfully tested the landing guidance system it will use to place a robot on the moon during a February test in the Mojave Desert aboard the Masten Aerospace Xombie, a vertical-takeoff, vertical-landing suborbital rocket.

New Research Project Applies Big Data Tools to Astrophysics

Like other scientists, astrophysicists first used computers as glorified calculators, but in the emerging era of Big Data, computers are poised to become true scientific partners. Automated tools being developed at Carnegie Mellon University in a new federally sponsored project could hasten that reality.

Electric Garage Adds Tesla High-Power Charger for Public Use

A high-power wall connector for Tesla electric cars has been installed for public use at Carnegie Mellon University’s Electric Garage in Oakland, joining eight existing vehicle recharging stations. The garage at 4621 Forbes Ave. will host an open house to celebrate the addition from 4 to 7 p.m., April 4.

Surgical Snake Robot To Be Marketed in Europe

Medrobotics Corp. has announced it will begin limited marketing in Europe of a robot-assisted surgical device that is based on the snake robot research of Howie Choset, Carnegie Mellon University professor of robotics. The Flex System is a flexible endoscopic system that enables surgeons to access and visualize hard-to-reach anatomical locations.

Carlow Launches Satellite of Carnegie Mellon’s CREATE Lab

Carlow University has received a $205,000 grant commitment from the Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation to establish a satellite on its campus of Carnegie Mellon University’s CREATE Lab. The satellite will join three previously established CREATE Lab satellites at Marshall University, West Virginia University and West Liberty University in West Virginia.