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GigaPan To Help Lakota Teens Document Their Community

Twenty Lakota high school students from the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota will learn how Carnegie Mellon University’s GigaPan robotic camera can help them document their community during National Geographic’s Pine Ridge Photo Camp.

GigaPan School Exchange Expands This Fall

The GigaPan School Exchange, a 21st century “pen pal” program, established by Carnegie Mellon University’s Global Connection Program in partnership with the UNESCO International Bureau of Education (IBE), will expand this fall.

Gabriel Named Deputy Director of DARPA

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) recently announced Distinguished Service Professor of Robotics Kaigham (Ken) Gabriel as the new deputy director.

Treiulle Named to TR35 List of Top Young Innovators

Adrien Treuille, an assistant professor of computer science and robotics at Carnegie Mellon University who specializes in real-time computer simulation techniques, has been recognized by Technology Review magazine as one of the world’s top 35 innovators under the age of 35.

Extreme Pogo Stick Uses Robotic Leg Technology

"BowGo," a high-flying pogo stick developed by the Robotics Institute's Ben Brown, will be used by extreme pogo enthusiasts at their annual gathering, Pogopalooza, which will be in Pittsburgh Aug. 19-22.

How to Make UAVs Fully Autonomous

MIT Technology Review reports on work at Carnegie Mellon University to use advanced vision systems to help unmanned aerial vehicles detect airborne obstacles and help achiever greater autonomy.

Robotics Institute Spinoff Unveils Toy Robots

Bossa Nova Robotics, a 2005 spinoff from the Robotics Institute, came to campus to unveil to the news media its first commercial products – a pair of toy robots called Prime-8 and Penbo.