
The degree requirements for students in the Master’s of Science in Robotics Research Program (MSR) at Carnegie Mellon University consist of core course requirements, elective courses, and supervised research culminating in a public thesis talk and a Master’s Thesis document.

The MSR program is designed to be completed nominally in two full years (24 months), with exceptional trajectories as described below for Carnegie Mellon staff who are taking courses part-time while performing staff duties and current Carnegie Mellon undergraduates.

The MSR program does not provide or guarantee funding; students are expected to secure two years’ of funds to pay for their educational costs. Current CMU undergraduate students can begin the summer after bachelor degree completion and count applicable graduate level courses towards the MSR degree provided they are not counting towards their undergraduate degree.

The Master’s Thesis requirement is satisfied through the oversight of the Master’s Committee, formed from faculty and students at The Robotics Institute who read and approve the Master’s Thesis document and attend and approve the public thesis presentation, as described below.

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