4:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Schenley Park Vietnam Veteran’s Pavilion United States
By Invitation Only – SOCIALIZE, EAT, DRINK & BE MERRY!
It’s that time of year again and all folks affiliated with the Robotics Institute are invited along with their families to the 2017 Robotics Institute Picnic.
Please note our new location, date and time.
Due to flooding at RiverPlex that has closed the park for the remainder of the season we have moved the RI Picnic to the Vietnam Veteran’s Pavilion @ Schenley Park on Overlook Drive and the date has changed to Tuesday, September 5, 4-8pm.
Receive this year’s RI giveaway item; witness the exciting final rounds of the annual RI croquet tournament; start up a game of volleyball, badminton, mushball, cricket, corn hole or horse shoes. These are just a few of the activities our group can participate in right at our own pavilion area. Plan to spend some time at the playground adjacent to our pavilion with your children. Our dinner will be catered by a variety of food and beverage trucks that will be located in the parking area of the pavilion. Beer will be available for those who are 21 and older (Photo ID requested)
4:00 Picnic begins!
4:00 – 8:00 Dinner
6:00 RI croquet tournament
8:00 Picnic ends
In case of rain we have a covered pavilion. We have board games and cards to help us pass the time until the sun appears.
Summer Casual dress.
For questions please contact Debbie Tobin at dmz@cs.cmu.edu.