Automatic Analysis of Facial Behaviour - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University
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RI Seminar


Maja Pantic Professor Imperial College London, Computing Department, UK
Friday, October 23
3:30 pm to 4:30 pm
Automatic Analysis of Facial Behaviour

Event Location: DH 2210
Bio: Maja Pantic obtained her PhD degree in computer science in 2001 from Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands. Until 2005, she was an Assistant/ Associate Professor at Delft University of Technology. In 2006, she joined the Imperial College London, Department of Computing, UK, where she is Professor of Affective & Behavioural Computing and the Head of the iBUG group, working on machine analysis of human non-verbal behaviour. From November 2006, she also holds an appointment as the Professor of Affective & Behavioural Computing at the University of Twente, the Netherlands. She received a number of prestigious awards including the ERC Starting Grant, awarded to 2% best young scientists in Europe in 2007, and the BCS Roger Needham Award in 2011, awarded annually to the UK based researcher for a distinguished research contribution in Computer Science within ten years of their PhD. She has published over 150 articles, won several Best Paper awards, and served as Editor in Chief and Associate Editor in all major journals in her field including IEEE Trans. PAMI.
She is an IEEE Fellow.

Abstract: Human face is our preeminent means to identify the other members of our species and communicate affective and social signals. This talk summarises a number of aspects of human face and facial behavior and how they can be automatically sensed and analysed by computers. Past research in the field conducted by the iBUG group at Imperial College London and how far are we from enabling computers to detect, track and recognise human face and facial expressions is discussed in detail. More info on the work of the iBUG group can be found at For databases and software solutions to various problems in the field of automatic facial expression analysis, see