3:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Event Location: NSH 1507
Bio: Jakob Engel received his Bachelor degree in Computer Science in 2009 and his Master degree in December 2011 at the Technical University of Munich (Germany). He received the SIEMENS Award for the best Master’s Thesis 2012 for his work on Autonomous Camera-Based Navigation of a Quadrocopter. Since September 2012 he is a full-time PhD Student in the Computer Vision Group at the TU Munich, headed by Prof. Daniel Cremers. His main research interests are visual SLAM (monocular, stereo and RGB-D), 3D reconstruction and vision-based navigation of (Nano-)Quadrotors. He received the EMVA Young Professional Award 2014 for his work on Semi-Dense Visual Odometry (LSD-SLAM).
Abstract: The talk will give an overview over LSD-SLAM: a large-scale, direct monocular SLAM algorithm,
the key ideas and techniques behind it, and some current extensions we are working on.
I will also talk about some recent and current projects using RGB-D sensors, and projects
applying visual SLAM to autonomous quadrocopter navigation