11:30 am to 12:30 pm
NSH 4305
Wrist force-torque sensors were among the first proprioception sensors to be developed when robotics emerged as a field. They are now a mature technology already used in structured industrial applications like sanding and drilling. While they provide essential feedback in many manipulation algorithms, they do not garner as much excitement as exteroception sensors like cameras. However, force feedback is a better sensory feedback modality in unstructured and occlusion-riddled conditions typically faced in agricultural robotics. Such situations present a need to develop better estimation methods for compensating for inertial forces and estimating unpredictable contact forces. This work reviews the design principles for force-torque sensors to understand the internal operating mechanisms and their limitations. Additionally, calibration and contact force estimation methods are investigated, particularly for dynamic manipulation applications like plant manipulation in agriculture, where unpredictable contact forces significantly affect the sensor output. Finally, we discuss potential research opportunities that are still outstanding in developing and using force-torque sensors.
George Kantor
Michael Kaess
Oliver Kroemer
Cherie Ho