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RI Seminar


Mike Gleicher Professor University of Wisconsin
Friday, November 18
3:30 pm to 4:30 pm
From Art and Perception to Visualization and Video Processing

Event Location: NSH 1305
Bio: Michael Gleicher is a Professor in the Department of Computer Sciences
at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Prof. Gleicher is founder
and leader of the Department’s Computer Graphics group. His research
interests include visualization, image and video processing tools, and
character animation techniques for films and games. Prior to joining
the university, Prof. Gleicher was a researcher at The Autodesk Vision
Technology Center and in Apple Computer’s Advanced Technology
Group. He earned his Ph. D. in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon
University, and holds a B.S.E. in Electrical Engineering from Duke

Abstract: My research revolves around the question “How can we use our
understanding of human perception and artistic traditions to improve
our tools for communicating and understanding data.” The former (Art
and Perception) often point us in similar directions, and provide
ideas for a wide range applications. In this talk, I will survey some
of our recent work where we apply insights from art and perception to
some practical problems in visualization and graphics. I will describe
our work to develop tools to help understand the shape and motion of
proteins, and to help compare large collections of genomes and other
sequence data. I will describe our work in creating tools to enhance
consumer video, particularly to perform video stabilization in ways
that avoid hard computer vision problems.