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VASC Seminar


Jenny Benois-Pineau Distinguished Professor of Computer Science University Bordeaux, France
Monday, January 28
3:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Fusion of multiple cues in recognition of activities in wearable video for Dementia Studies (Special VASC-QoLT Seminar)

Event Location: NSH 1507
Bio: Prof. Benois-Pineau is a distinguished professor (classe exceptionnelle) of Computer Science at the University Bordeaux 1 and chair of the Video Analysis and Indexing research group in the Image and Sound Department of LABRI UMR 58000 UniversitéBordeaux1/Bordeaux2/CNRS/ENSEIRB. She is also a deputy scientific director of theme B of French national research unit GDR CNRS ISIS, and director of Computer Science Department of the faculty of Mathematics and Computer science at the University Bordeaux.
She obtained her PhD degree in Signals and Systems in Moscow and her Habilitation à Diriger la Recherche in Computer Science and Image Processing from University of Nantes, France.
Her topics of interest include image and video analysis and indexing, motion analysis and content description for content-based multimedia retrieval and mining. Recently she has been interested in the application of video analysis and pattern recognition to the healthcare.

Abstract: The problem of retrieval of visual information in large collections of images and video in digital form is basically that one of pattern recognition. In case of video documents the term “Indexing” is of primarily interest, as it means that a specific pattern is present in the spatio-temporal document at a given moment of time.
The recognition of concepts, such as an action of a person, an object of a predefined category, . in a video document can be considered as a search of a concept in a collection of images in an image database. The efficiency of the search is very much dependent on the completeness of content description and on the discriminative power of classifiers in the proposed description space. As show recent research in concept detection, the increase of such efficiency is possible when multiple cues of content are considered. In video, the challenging task of concept retrieval can be addressed by using all modalities for content description: spatial (key-framing), temporal( motion features) and audio( audio-features).
In this talk we are interested in the problem of recognition of Activities of Daily Living in specific video streams coming from video cameras weared by patients with dementia. This concept of egocentric motion has recently got the growing popularity and various research has been done in order to recognize scene elements and actions in such streams. In our solution we develop Hierarchical Markov models to represent a document and proposed a rich description space. Various combinations of description spaces and sub-spaces in an early – , intermediate and late fusion manner are studied yielding to promising results. At present, this research is fulfilled in the framework of EU-funded Integrated Project Dem@care. A summary of it will also be given.