Global Scan-Matching for Incremental Map Construction Using Line Features - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University
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Field Robotics Center Seminar


Donald Burnette Ph.D Student Carnegie Mellon University Robotics Institute
Thursday, April 29
11:00 am to 12:00 am
Global Scan-Matching for Incremental Map Construction Using Line Features

Event Location: NSH 1109
Bio: Don Burnette is a Ph.D. student at the Robotics Institute.

Abstract: I propose a laser based odometry algorithm which utilizes line feature based scan matching to determine the pose of a robot in an unknown, structured environment, while incrementally building a map of that
environment. The algorithm is tested on a variety of data sets, using different types of laser range scanners, in various real world environments. The algorithm incrementally generates line-feature based maps in 
real-time as the  robot moves throughout the environment, without requiring any a prior knowledge of its surroundings.