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RI Seminar


Ren Ng, Ph.D. Founder & Executive Chairman, Lytro
Friday, October 26
11:00 am to 12:00 am
Lytro – Light Field Cameras, Entrepreneurship and the Future of Photography

Event Location: Disney Research Pittsburgh, CIC Building, Lower Level, Tomorrowland Conference Room
Bio: Ren Ng is the founder of Lytro, and developed the underlying technology during graduate school. Ren’s Ph.D. research on light field technology won the ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award and Stanford University’s Arthur Samuel Award. Ren’s leadership of Lytro has also earned him a number of entrepreneurship honors in 2012, including Fast Company’s “100 Most Creative People in Business” and MIT Tech Review’s TR35 and “Entrepreneur of the Year”.

Abstract: Lytro is a startup in Mountain View that has introduced the first light field camera for consumers. Light field cameras provide many new capabilities, including the ability to focus pictures after the shot is taken. The underlying technology is based on founder Ren Ng’s PhD dissertation on light field photography, which he completed at Stanford in 2006. The Lytro camera has been featured in hundreds of articles and TV shows, and won numerous awards including Popular Science’s Innovation of the Year and Time Magazine’s 50 Best Inventions of the Year. In this talk, Ren will discuss various aspects of the Lytro journey to date, including the technology, entrepreneurship, the camera and living pictures, and future of photography.