MSR Thesis Talk - Aman Khurana - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University
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MSR Speaking Qualifier


Aman Khurana Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University
Friday, July 26
12:00 pm to 1:30 pm
NSH 4305
MSR Thesis Talk – Aman Khurana

Title: Behavior planning at roundabouts


About the talk:

Roundabouts or traffic circles represent a significant portion of unsignalized intersections commonly found in urban and rural roads and pose a specific challenge for autonomous or self-driving cars. In this work, we present model-free techniques that allow a self-driving car to navigate a roundabout safely.  We explore the idea of encoding POMDP planning framework into network architectures. Additionally, we investigate the problem of generalizing learnt policies across different traffic scenarios using multiple models and the proposed traffic-conditioned framework.



John Dolan ( Advisor)

David Held

Fahad Islam