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Thursday, April 15
12:00 am to 12:00 am
ROBOT 30: The 30th Anniversary of the Robotics Institute

Event Location: Carnegie Mellon University campus

Abstract: On April, 15 & 16, 2010 we will celebrate ROBOT 30, The Robotics Institute’s 30th anniversary with an open house that will include lectures, demonstrations, tours of our facility and an anniversary reception. We will be holding this event in conjunction with Carnegie Mellon’s Carnival & Reunion Weekend and the first annual National Robotics Week.

National Robotics Week, April 10-18, 2010, celebrates robotics technology as a pillar of 21st century American innovation, highlights its growing number of important applications, and emphasizes its potential to inspire students to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. National Robotics Week was an outgrowth of efforts by leading universities and companies to create a “national roadmap” for robotics research, which was presented last year to the Congressional Caucus on Robotics. U.S. Rep. Mike Doyle, the caucus co-chair, and colleagues subsequently introduced a resolution designating the second full week of 2010 as National Robotics Week.

Schedule of Events

April 15

4:00 pm: Teruko Yata Memorial Lecture – A School of Computer Science Distinguished Lecture
Speaker: Adrien Treiulle
Title: Next-generation Interactive Simulation
Rashid Auditorium – Gates and Hillman Centers 4401. Open to the public.

April 16

3:00 – 4:00 pm: ROBOT 30 Lecture/MOBOT Awards Ceremony
Speaker: Matthew Mason, Director, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University
Rashid Auditorium – Gates and Hillman Centers 4401. Open to the public.

4:00 – 6:00 pm: Robotics Lab Tour
Tour registration closed.

Lab Tours may include:

Veloso CORAL Lab, Tekkotsu Lab and Intel Lab

NAO Humanoid Robots
CoBot robot
Small-size soccer robots
Chiara Robot
First Person Vision device with object recognition

4:00 – 6:00 pm: Robotics Demo
Planetary Robotics Lab Highbay – 1st floor, Gates and Hillman Centers
Open to the public.

Demos may include:

Automated Braille Writing Tutor (BWT)
Automatic Reverse Engineering of Building Interiors
Boss (the autonomous Tahoe that won the Urban Challenge)
Comprehensive Automation for Specialty Crops (CASC)
Climbing robot demo
Finch Robot
Google Lunar X-Prize rovers
rCommerce robot
Robotics Academy
Robot Sensor Boat
Snake Robots

5:00 – 7:00 pm: 
ROBOT 30 Reception
Perlis Atrium, 
Newell-Simon Hall, Registration closed.

The Robotics Institute home page spotlight robot countdown to ROBOT 30 has included:

NAO Humanoid Robot
Robot Sensor Boat
Red Rover
Pipeline Explorer
Paint Stripper