Safe control under input limits with neural CBF - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University
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PhD Speaking Qualifier


Simin Liu PhD Student Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University
Wednesday, July 27
3:00 pm to 4:00 pm
NSH 4305
Safe control under input limits with neural CBF

In theory, control barrier functions (CBFs) provide a convenient means to construct provably safe controllers. However, a typical problem is that the constructed controller will exceed input limits, and merely clipping the inputs will break all safety guarantees. To address this practical flaw, we consider synthesizing a CBF that will respect input limits. We pose this as a min-max optimization problem. Our key ideas are to use a generic neural CBF and to train it using an efficient learner-critic framework. Unlike previous synthesis techniques, ours can scale to large, nonlinear systems. We demonstrate this on a 10D state, 4D input problem of balancing a pendulum on a quadrotor. For this problem, our trained CBF respects input limits almost 100% of the time vs. just 80% for a standard baseline.

Prof. John Dolan
Prof. Changliu Liu
Prof. David Held
Jaskaran Grover