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PhD Speaking Qualifier


Chung Hee Kim PhD Student Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University
Tuesday, November 21
9:00 am to 10:00 am
GHC 4405
Towards Robotic Tree Manipulation: Leveraging Graph Representations

There is growing interest in automating agricultural tasks that require intricate and precise interaction with specialty crops, such as trees and vines. However, developing robotic solutions for crop manipulation remains a difficult challenge due to complexities involved in modeling their deformable behavior. In this study, we present a framework for learning the deformation behavior of tree-like crops under contact interaction. Our proposed method involves encoding the state of a spring-damper modeled tree crop as a graph. This representation allows us to employ graph networks to learn both a forward model for predicting resulting deformations, and a contact policy for inferring actions to manipulate tree crops. We conduct a comprehensive set of experiments in a simulated environment and demonstrate generalizability of our method on previously unseen trees. Videos can be found on the project website: https://kantor-lab.github.io/tree_gnn

Prof. George Kantor (Chair)
Prof. Oliver Kroemer
Prof. David Held
Kevin Zhang