Akshat Agarwal – MSR Thesis Talk
Newell-Simon Hall 4305Title: Learning Transferable Cooperative Behavior in Multi-Agent Teams Abstract: We study the emergence of cooperative behavior and communication protocols in multi-agent teams, for collaboratively accomplishing tasks like coverage control and formation control for swarms. Using graph neural networks to model inter-agent communications, we present state-of-the-art results in a fully decentralized execution framework which assumes [...]
Yifan Ding – MSR Thesis Talk
Newell-Simon Hall 4305Title: Decentralized Multiple Mobile Depots Route Planning for Replenishing Persistent Surveillance Robots Abstract: Persistent surveillance of a target space using multiple robots has numerous applications. The continuous operation in these applications is challenged by the limited onboard battery capacity of the persistent robots. We consider the problem for replenishing persistent robots using mobile depots, [...]
Active Learning in Robot Motion Control
1305 Newell Simon HallAbstract: Motion motivated by information needs can be found throughout natural systems, yet there is comparatively little work in robotics on analyzing and synthesizing motion for information. Instead, engineering analysis of robots and animal motion typically depends on defining objectives and rewards in terms of states and errors on states. This is how we formulate [...]