Tanya Marwah – MSR Thesis Talk
Newell Simon Hall 4201Title: Generating 3D Human Animations from Single Monocular Images Abstract: Endowing AI systems with the ability to formulate a three-dimensional understanding of human appearance from a single RGB image is an important component technology for applications such as person re-identification, biometrics, virtual reality and augmented reality. However, jointly inferring the texture map and 3D [...]
Human-guided Task Transfer for Interactive Robots
GATES-HILLMAN 4405Abstract: Adaptability is an essential skill in human cognition, enabling us to draw from our extensive, life-long experiences with various objects and tasks in order to address novel problems. To date, most robots do not have this kind of adaptability, and yet, as our expectations of robots’ interactive and assistive capacity grows, it will be [...]
Pragna Mannam – MSR Thesis Talk
Newell-Simon Hall 4305Title: Model-free Sensorless Manipulation Abstract: This thesis is a study of 2D manipulation without sensing and planning, by exploring the effects of unplanned randomized action sequences on 2D object pose uncertainty. Our approach uses sensorless reorienting of an object to achieve a determined pose, regardless of the initial pose. Without using sensors and models [...]