Contrastive View Predictive Learning with 3D-Bottlenecked RNNs

GHC 6115

Abstract: In this talk, I will describe our recent work on neural architectures for visual recognition, which use 3D not as input nor as the desired output space, but rather as the bottleneck of the learned representations. We consider embodied agents moving in otherwise static worlds equipped with these architectures; they learn 3D visual feature [...]

Chao Cao – MSR Thesis Talk

Newell-Simon Hall 4305

Title: Topological Path Planning for Mobile Robot Applications   Abstract: Many path planning problems in mobile robot applications can be solved more efficiently in the topological space. By using the language of topology, the richer spatial information failed to captured by graph/grid-based map representations can be explicitly expressed and exploited. With that, it is possible [...]

MSR Thesis Talk – Tao Chen

NSH 1109

Title: Deep Reinforcement Learning with Prior Knowledge   Abstract: Deep reinforcement learning has been applied to many domains from computer games, natural language processing, recommendation systems to robotics.  While model-free reinforcement learning algorithms are promising approaches to learning policies without knowledge of the system dynamics, they usually require much more data. In this thesis, we [...]