Soft Robotics challenges: Design, Fabrication, Control, and Motion Planning

Gates-Hillman Center 8102

Abstract: More and more robots of the future will be soft. A soft body can absorb impact forces from collisions with obstacles, making robots suitable for unpredictable environments and safe for human-robot interaction. However, widespread application of soft robotics in daily life, business, and consumer products have not yet been achieved, because established robotic technologies, [...]

Hybrid Methods for the Integration of Heterogeneous Multimodal Biomedical Data

GHC 6501

Abstract:  The prevalence of smartphones and wearable devices for health monitoring and widespread use of electronic health records have led to a surge in heterogeneous multimodal healthcare data, collected at an unprecedented scale. My research focuses on developing machine learning techniques that learn salient representations of multimodal, heterogeneous data for biomedical predictive models. The first [...]