Chendi Lin – MSR Thesis Talk
TBAZoom Link: Title: Online Connectivity-aware Dynamic Distribution for Heterogeneous Multi-Robot Systems Abstract: In many multi-robot applications the robot team needs to execute multiple tasks simultaneously with different task-related controllers. To ensure effective coordination and at the same time avoid collisions, the robots have to stay connected. In this work, we consider the problem where a [...]
Robert Li – MSR Thesis Talk
TBAZoom Link: Title: Solving Puzzles Like A Human With Two Stage Random Search Abstract: Humans are remarkably good at solving novel physical puzzles and tasks, with only a basic understanding of abstract concepts like kinematics, gravity, mass, friction, and inertia. We wanted to replicate how a human would explore the search space of a problem. [...]
Samantha Speer – MSR Thesis Talk
TBAZoom Link: Title: Grounding Abstract Concepts With Robotic Manipulatives Abstract: Technology in education has been on the rise for a long time, developing from computer manipulatives to mobile apps and finally into robotics. Robotics has the unique affordances of the classic physical manipulatives and virtual manipulative, providing both a physical aspect along with [...]
Vaibhav (Vai) Viswanathan – MSR Thesis Talk
TBAZoom Link: Title: Bitwise Trajectory Elimination: An Efficient Method for Filtering Trajectory Libraries for Quadrotor Navigation Abstract: Quadrotor flight in unknown environments is challenging due to the limited range of perception sensors, state estimation drift, and limited onboard computation. In this work, we tackle these challenges by proposing an efficient, reactive planning approach. We introduce [...]
Xi (Sandy) Sun – MSR Thesis Talk
TBAZoom link: Title: Visual-Inertial Source Localization for Co-Robot Rendezvous Abstract: We aim to enable robots to visually localize a target person through the aid of an additional sensing modality -- the target person's 3D inertial measurements. The need for such technology may arise when a robot is to meet a person in [...]